Saturday 18 July 2009

i'm running out of money. really fast. if anyone wants to send me some i will be happythanks. i have been kicked out of my hostel because they have no spaces left for tonight, boo, so i'm considering moving either to one in the rather unappealing-sounding 'greektown' or, alternatively, to one that is many many miles away from the centre in a remote corner of town. to me that sounds no fun. BUT! i have booked flights and accommodation to Boston, hooray! stopping over for 5 nights then i will head off to my Final Destination (hopefully not like the film, though I have not seen it) which is the big apple/the big airport/new york to schelebrate my 21st in style/utter poverty. i am once again in the chicago public library computer terminal, it smells of various bodily fluids. yuck. no porn as of yet though. speaking of porn, i saw Bruno last night. how i felt for the teenagers who had gone with their parents. i did find the end (with Snoop Dogg) strangely poignant though. so i didn't Love the film, i thought it lacked structure entirely and was in most places totally gratuitous. but at points it did make me (and the very loud lady sitting to my right in the packed cinema) laugh more hysterically than i have in a while.
today i am extremely tired owing to having got up very early to see if any reservations had been cancelled at the hostel. i got up at 7. i'm tired and feel a bit delirious, and weirdly hungover, though i have not had a drink since wednesday.
yesterday i went to a place called earwax cafe on milwaukee avenue and had very good falafel and a chat with the waiter about haruki murakami (i have almost finished the wind-up bird chronicle, hooray). then i went shopping oh no and bought things oh no. the problem with vintage clothing is that you can't do the guilty return the day after (the Topshop Turn) when you realise you don't actually like/can't afford the things you've bought. no more shopping. from now on i'm staying indoors. in greektown.
i have done lots of drawings this holiday. i feel my energies beginning to channel into a deeper place. dude.
now i depart to wash my hands so i don't catch a nasty publiclibrary-pornsurfing-keyboard-borne disease. you could say, a terminal illness.

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