Thursday, 23 July 2009

hi. i feel a bit crappy today. feeding the computer dollar bills into its hungry money slot in feeble attempt to combat loneliness/aforementioned crappy feeling. guy next to me talking to himself. saw a play. my i.d. got rejected at a bar. found out that 2 of the people i'm supposed to be meeting in NY are not going to be there now. had a chocolate bar for dinner. walked home in the rain with an angry wind that was determined to kill me and my umbrella.

boston's very red. i went to (and got lost in) harvard earlier today, it looked like money. i did have a good crepe, though, in a place called Arrow Crepes or something like that. maybe one reason i enjoyed the crepe so much is because they were playing yann tiersen and maurice chevalier on the stereo.

ok my two dollars are up. bye.

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