Saturday 4 July 2009


today i spent a lot of time on my own whilst my companions went to see the golden gate bridge. i wasn't in the mood for going owing to being extremely tired and thus grumpy and silly and a bit pissed off. so i slept in and then had a wash then, finally, left the cathedral hill hotel for a long, steep, sunny walk up the excellently named nob hill. this provided a lovely vista of some parts of the city down to the bay dotted with white sailboats. i then went into cavernous interior of the grey, imposing grace (evangelical) cathedral and read the post-it notes upon which people had written prayers. someone prayed for their friend who had lost both kidneys at 21. i then made my way down the hill, keeping one eye always on the incredible financial district which, as maisie said, looks very much like something out of 1984, particularly the slightly terrifying transamerica pyramid that cuts into the sky like a rocket with its windows like a thousand eyes.

i then went to union square and bought an illustrated magazine from borders (aah, home) then walked back up the hill. i have decided i like walking briskly up hills. when it's not too hot. on the way back i discovered a thrift store in which i bought a quite fantastic jumpsuit. it's black with silver studs and patches of neon on the shoulders. my friends laughed at it when i showed them but i think it's good. maisie said we'll get mugged if i wear it tonight. i don't think we will, in fact i think people will be too in awe of me to mug me.

our hotel is full of people recovering from plastic surgery. you never know what you're going to see when you step into the lift.

i was wished happy independence day by two people. i must say the homeless people here are a lot more considerate and friendly than they are in london. they all, also, seem to be friends with each other. it's like a community.

happy independence day. we're going to see the fireworks on the embarcadero, then heading to the haight to drink. or so i hope. maisie and nina currently sleeping, i hope they'll wake up because i am very much in the mood for a good night.

ok i have to go. this internet costs a ridiculous $8 an hour.

(hi eloise.)

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