Saturday 6 September 2008

expectation, tickling skittish spirits

hi. so i am going on holiday tomorrow (thank FUCK) with jane who, for those not in the know, is often mistaken for my lesbian lover (because she is). i should be sleeping like a baby now in preparation for the morn's events - which will include cramming more crap that i don't need into my suitcase whilst worrying that we're both going to be murdered on our 18 day pan-european trip. i hope we are not murdered. but instead i am writing this, for which i will hate myself at 6am when i am supposedly getting up (i set two alarms). yeah so last time we went interrailing i kept a diary which was mainly just filled with me complaining and a few sketches of the Parthenon. but this year i have this cyberthing as my project. so WATCH THIS SPACE. ...if you want. if all goes to plan i shall write at least two entries.
we start our travels in slovenia/ see you there.