Monday 8 September 2008

well hi there. i deleted yesterday's post because it was horrible drunken foolery. it said something about how me and jane got very drunk in a bar full of plastic skeletons (in fact i wasn't sure they were plastic - you can't trust these slovenians). we have discovered margaritas. them's nice.

anyway i woke up this morning feeling like satan had just shat on me. cocktails plus wine plus vodka plus not having slept for three days plus a freezing cold air-conditioned flight not the best of combos. the night itself was restless because i was developing a fever and was burning hot one minute and shivering the next and whenever i moved it really hurt. then whenever i managed to drift off someone in the hostel room would make a noise or sneeze or something. selfish bastards.

our hostel room is nice but i'm not sure that i like communal living, seeing as i don't really like other people or communality in any way. there is a couple sharing one bunk on the other side of the room to me and they're a bit too touchy feely for my liking... get a room. not a room shared with six strangers. and then this morning i was greeted with the sight of the slightly portly guy in the bunk opposite rubbing oil into his torso. yum.

ljubljana is like a postcard, all green river and pastel-coloured apartments and fountains and old people wobbling around on bikes. it is very beautiful but, to be honest, a bit dull. though we did find a beautiful old church today with a green domed roof, and we are heading to tivoli park this afternoon to check out the happy haps.

i'm looking forward to moving on to Lake Bled tomorrow. i expect lots of pine trees and castles and people who look like dracula.

1 comment:

francesca perry said...

everyone talks about Lake Bled! I can't wait to go. The whole country sounds like it just looks great. Taking lots of pictures I hope.

I'm sorry you had a fever thing, how are you feeling now??

I cannot imagine sharing a hostel room it would drive me insane. Just make sure you never sleep on the bottom bunk when someone is on the top. My friend told me a story and let's just say it involved her being woken up by warm golden liquid trickling down.

be safe. have fun. xxxxxxxxxxx