Wednesday 17 September 2008


hi blog, sono in napoli.

it's nice, but i'm hungover. and it feels a little different from last time we were here, i don't know how. they are doing a lot of building work at the moment including in the beautiful galeria umberto so that might be it... it feels a bit insubstantial and dusty.
i have been thinking that though travelling outside of peak season has its advantages, i miss meeting other travellers. it's a bit lonely with just the two of us.
and i miss rome. i am thinking seriously about whether or not i want to live there for a bit after i leave university... right now i'm thinking yes.
and, strangely, i miss home a little bit. i just had a nap (a rarity) and dreamt about my family. i also, incidentally, dreamt that jane started crying in a shop because she missed rome, too.
i am in a strange groggy dream state now and feel a bit shit. we are now going for pizza in the place that apparently invented pizza with a very beautiful portuguese girl from our dorm, who has moved to napoli to study. ciao blog. that's bye in italian, in case you don't speak italian, blog.

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