Sunday, 9 August 2009

i ate two round things today, a bagel and a chocolate doughnut, and in between i had dim sum. yesterday i didn't eat much because i was feeling sad about numerous things and i find it hard to eat when i'm sad but i feel that i'm making up for it today. so i have reached the end of my trip, regrettably having had little time recently to write this blog. i make a wholehearted promise to fill in the gaps when i get back to blighty (which, sad to say, i am dreading. the thought of a summer spent in the big D makes me feel a little ill). my plan is to move to berlin and get a job in a bar until i feel a bit more favourably toward london in general, which i find a little stifling. today flo and i went to chinatown and then soho and now i'm back in her apartment which, as of yesterday, is now also home to a tiny black-and-white kitten named Congee. i will put photos up here or on facebook.vom soon

...stay tuned.

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